Monday, 27 May 2013

Lives in crisis

 Food Banks
World Hunger Day is celebrated on the 28th May every year, the object is to to raise awareness of poverty and challenge people's perspectives of it. This year I have decided to take part in the Live Below the Line Challenge. In the challenge people are asked to live on a pound a day for five days, I shall be doing it for three weeks, to highlight the work done by Food Banks. I would like to stress that I am not taking this challenge for any political purpose, just a moral one. The object is not sympathy, but empathy.

We are used to seeing pictures of starving people, and happily, and I think, quite rightly put our hands in our pockets to help these people thousands of miles away. But the reality is it is happening more and more in our own back yard, and I believe charity begins at home.

 In Britain 13.5 million people live below the breadline, while rising food prices static wages, unemployment, high fuel costs and changes in benefits are making it hard, if not impossible for many of these families to feed themselves. A large proportion of these families are working families and about a third of them are children. According to research carried out by 'mumsnet' one in five of the mothers in this group miss meals in order to feed their children. Foodbanks provide a minimum of three days supply of food, and this simple, practical gift of food and support at the point of crisis changes lives. 

Blackpool is one of the most deprived areas in Britain and the need for this kind of support is growing daily so the food banks are struggling. Many of these people were made redundant and would gladly take any job going, but in Blackpool jobs are few and far between, so not only the present, but the future looks bleak for them. Many find it embarrassing, and humiliating to be getting these handouts, but they have no choice. I am not asking for sponsorship as I feel that would detract from the purpose, however anyone wanting to donate food or money, Food Banks aren't too proud to accept either, Google up your nearest Food Bank, or go to this link if you wish to donate. 

There are more details on the subject, if anyone is interested at 

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